It contains an activity in which the language learners are asked to underline the best word possessives or object pronouns. Lisa did her homework myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves. Personal pronouns and possessives exercises watch the video and read the conversation between sophie and hakan. Change the noun in the sentences to an object pronoun. Object and subject pronouns exercise 1 grammarbank. Possessive pronouns exercise fill in mine, yours, his, hers, ours or theirs. The english learning lounge free apps on both apple and android. Complete with a possessive pronoun as in the example. Grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening and much more. Complete the blanks with the appropriate possessive adjective as in the example. Personal, indefinite, possessive, relative pronouns.
Indefinite pronouns are used to talk about people, places or things without saying exactly who, where, or what they are. English personal pronouns exercises focusenglishschool. Object pronouns exercises for beginners click here to download this printable exercise in pdf. Object pronouns exercise english grammar english4u. You may find it useful at activation part of your teaching. The drag and drop activity below might not work properly in old browsers. Subject and object pronouns 4 complete the object pronouns. Click here to download this printable exercise in pdf. Object pronouns grammar activities instructions for the teacher these exercises are a supplement to the object pronoun grammar frame at the bottom of page 71 in spectrum book one. In part one, students will draw lines connecting subject pronouns with their corresponding object pronouns.
Subject and object pronouns interactive and downloadable worksheet. In part one, students will draw lines connecting subject pronouns with their. Subject, object, and relative pronouns 2 exercise 1. Ask your child to write a description of something he or she did with a friend or a group. Change the noun in the sentences to a subject pronoun. Remind your child to use subject and object pronouns correctly.
There is a girl in my class whose family emigrated from india. Object pronouns singular plural she loves me she loves us she loves you she loves you she loves him she loves them she loves her she loves them she loves it she loves them replace all the nouns with pronouns. Subject object pronoun practice activity type reading, writing and listening activity language focus subject and object pronouns aim to complete and write sentences with subject and object pronouns. Indefinite pronouns 2 me and my friend or my friend and i pronouns exercises possessive adjectives exercises 2 3 4 personal pronouns 1 exercise 2 3 pdf possessive pronouns exercise 1 2 3 reflexive pronouns exercise 1 exercise 2 relative pronouns exercise 1 2 subject pronouns exercise 1 2 who vs which. Here you have some more exercises to practice some exercises about relative clauses. Pronouns exercises mixed choose the correct pronoun.
These exercises are a supplement to the object pronoun grammar frame at the bottom. I me you you he him she her it it we us you you they them exercise 2. Home activity your child learned how to use subject and object pronouns in writing. Personal pronouns, possessive determiners, possessive pronouns in english the teacher always gives the students homework. The students task is to replace the word blank in each sentence. Preparation make one copy of the worksheet for each student. Use an object pronoun as the object in each sentence based on the words in the brackets. Then do these exercises to check your understanding of personal pronouns and possessives. Simple explanation of possessives with some exercises 18,060 downloads. Pronouns and possessive adjectives interactive worksheet. Drag the appropriate pronouns into the answer area to complete this exercise. Each sentence on the worksheet is missing an object pronoun.
Subject pronouns usually come before the main verb, while object pronouns follow the main verb. Reflexive pronouns reflect the action of the verb hack upon the subject. I bought my first car ten years ago, when i was a salesman. Subject and object pronouns and possessive adjectives. Complete the sentences with the appropriate object pronoun. Relative clauses exercises tomas y valiente english blog. By which object pronoun can we replace the underlined words in the following sentences. Possessive adjective and pronoun exercise at autoenglish. Hi, this is a new exercise to practice subject and object pronouns as well as some possessive adjectives. Subject forms nominative case are used when the pronoun is the subject of the verb. Their daughter is so beautiful and her she hers is very modest. In this productive worksheet activity, students complete sentences with object pronouns. The apple which george lay on the table was put back into the basket. Paul gives us lots of strawberries when we visit him.
Starter unit subject and object pronouns and possessive adjectives 1 complete the object pronouns and possessive adjectives in the table. Update your browser to be able to use these exercises online. Pronouns that are used as objects of verbs or prepositions are. It is my book, its mine it is your book, its yours. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.
Beginner grammar object pronouns multiple choice esl. Personal pronouns and the object forms, me, you, him, her, us, them english grammar exercises online. Use the chart below and then study the example sentences chart. Decide if the sentences need a subject or object pronoun. Jun 20, 2011 pronouns that are used as subjects of verbs are. Object pronouns exercise english practice learn and. Subject and object pronouns exercise 1 perfect english grammar. Exercise 1 exercise 2 exercise 3 subject or object pronoun exercise 1 omission of relative pronoun exercise 1 exercise 2 defining or nondefining exercise 1 exercise 2 exercise 3 exercise 4 nondefining clauses exercise 1 exercise 2 defining.
Object pronouns can be dropped in defining relative clauses, which are then called contact clauses. Fill in the personal pronouns referring to the person or thing mentioned before. Subject and object pronouns an exercise by montse morales for the english learning website. Learn how to use spanish subject and object pronouns online with lingola. We can use them to replace a previouslymentioned noun, speak about ourselves, or address other people. Person object pronouns singular object pronouns plural 1st speaking me us 2nd being spoken to you you 3rd being spoken about himherit them 1. Subject and object pronouns exercise perfect english grammar. Reflexive pronouns exercise myself i cut myself ourselves we did it ourselves yourself help yourself yourselves help yourselves. Exercise 1 by which object pronoun can we replace the underlined words in the following sentences. Eso tercer trimestre possessive adjectives and saxon genitive personal pronouns possessive adjectives i my you your he his she her it its we our you your they their a. Object pronouns exercise english grammar fill in with me, you, him, her, it, us and them. Pronouns subject, object, possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives pronouns include subject pronouns, object pronouns and possessive pronouns.
Possessive pronouns exercise english grammar english4u. It is also important to learn possessive adjectives when learning these forms. Practise your english grammar in the english classroom. I t he its is white, but its is it is windows are black.
My aunt jane my brother and i wrote thank you letters to 3. Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns. Say if the following pronouns are a subject pronoun of an object pronoun. Object forms objective case are used when the pronoun is the object of the verb. Complete the sentences below with the correct indefinite pronouns. Find the correct pronoun for the names given and write them in the boxes. Name subject and object pronouns directions use a pronoun from the box to complete each sentence. Write your answers on the lines beneath the scrambled words. Exercise 1 exercise 2 exercise 3 exercise 4 exercise 5. Joe, scott, and bob the waiter brought out three plates of food for 2. Subject and object pronouns level intermediate answer key my notes 1.
Here you have a good exercise to practise the point we are studying now. Put in the correct pronoun so that the pronoun refers back to the subject. It contains an activity in which the language learners are asked to order the words to make meaningful sentences. Object forms of personal pronouns exercise englischhilfen. Live worksheets english english as a second language esl possessive adjectives pronouns and possessive adjectives pronouns and possessive adjectives children complete the text with subject and object pronouns and possessive adjectives, label the picture and answer questions about the text. The subject and object pronoun exercise object pronouns singular plural she loves me she loves us she loves you she loves you she loves him she loves them she loves her she loves them she loves it she loves them replace all the nouns with pronouns. English summer worksheets 1st eso institut pic del. Note that the pronouns it and you have the same form in the nominative and the objective case. Procedure give each student a copy of the worksheet. Indefinite pronouns we will analyze the first three types in this unit and the last four in the next one. Reflexive or intensive pronounspronouns withself orselves are used in two ways. Subject and object pronouns exercise english grammar.
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